You know, some days I get in from the office and I am left wondering if things could get any worse. It turns out they can!

At least if you're a dealer employee at a Porsche center in the Netherlands. That's because a mechanic just made headlines for quite possibly one of the worst reasons out there.

According to reports, a mechanic somehow took an all-new Porsche 911 GT3RS, specifically painted in Gulf colors, and put it into a canal in front of the dealership. We can only imagine that their foot slipped or something of the like. I mean, how else could you put the car that far off?

The dealer owner blamed the mechanic for the happening and has informed the press that this particular car is salvageable. That would make sense given the engine is in the back, however, there are a lot of mighty expensive parts up front and we assume there's some damage to the underbody as the vehicle is teetering on the edge.

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DOH! A Porsche 911 GT3 RS Takes A Dip And A Mechanic's Day Just Got A LOT Worse

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