Before the start of this week's Los Angeles Auto Show (LAAS) big news took center stage. That would be General Motors coming out and announcing plant closures, lay offs and the death of many vehicles.

The big loser? That would be sedans.

If Ford's announcement earlier this year wasn't already a big enough signal to the market, at large, GM's certainly is. That's because GM has a tendency to lag the industry. Don't ask us why, it just is.

So, it's pretty obvious that the product mix at today's automakers must change and adapt to consumer tastes. This isn't a fad, either. It's a systemic, global change. While we were preparing for this week's show and even walking the floor, we had a realization: WHY are manufacturers building electric sedans FIRST when everyone is clued in that buyers are going for sport-utility vehicles and trucks?

What are we missing here?

What say you, Spies?

If EVERYONE Wants SUVs And Trucks, WHY Are They Building EV Sedans FIRST?

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