When Tesla first passed Ford’s market cap, it was a big deal, but Ford trades low, and it’s not really a Tesla competitor in any way. The bigger news came later, when the electric automaker passed General Motors. Again, GM trades much lower than the Silicon Valley automaker, but the company is seen as substantially more successful than Ford, and has a Tesla competitor (two really) in the current market; the all-new Chevrolet Bolt, and the largely successful Chevrolet Volt.

The i3, BMW’s only all-electric vehicle, is no competition to Tesla in terms of sales or range. The company will have more options in the future, but it will be 2020 or later before that comes to fruition.

Tesla isn’t in the market to compete with the likes of Ford or GM (despite the fact that the Chevrolet Bolt has a range and price on par with that of the upcoming Model 3). Instead it gears its vehicles toward the luxury market. The upcoming Model 3 will sit alongside the legendary BMW 3 Series in terms of price, size, and dynamics.

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Tesla's Value Briefly Passes BMW On Road To Become The Most Valuable Automaker

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