Elon Musk Steped Up In Q1 Earning Call And Delivered What Was Needed
Posted on 4/25/2024 by Agent009
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Tesla needed what Elon Musk delivered during the company’s Q1 Earnings Call last night: an adult in the room.
“The focus for us and investors was around the blueprint and roadmap for growth as Musk and Tesla are facing a Category 5 storm after a Cinderella ride the last few years,” Dan Ives, analyst at Wedbush, wrote in a note.
“Last night in a much-needed conference call, Elon Musk finally stepped up as the adult in the room and laid the foundation for Tesla’s growth strategy with, most importantly, a lower cost vehicle now slated for 2025 production and delivery.”
Tesla investors were left dumbfounded after its Q4 2023 Earnings Call in January, as the automaker outlined a “notably lower “growth rate as it found itself between two growth periods.