Tag Links: Clean diesel


Probably one of our favorite auto writers is our good friend Dan Neil of the LA Times.

The reason we like him is two-fold.

From day one he has always treated us and our medium with respect, when every other automotive writer thought the internet was a fad like Starbucks.

Plus, we like the fact that he truly speaks his mind with no fear (Just ask Patti LaBelle...long story!).

Here are his latest thoughts on clean diesel.

"I know there are many people out there waiting patiently for the thriftier high-tech diesels. I'm sorry. It's just methadone for gasoline addiction.

But, sadly, except in highly unusual cases where needs and vehicle match up precisely, these big diesels offer only a variety of complacency, coaching people to keep their oversized vehicles while assuaging whatever guilt they might feel."

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Are diesel vehicles only the methadone of gasoline addiction? LA Times writer says so.

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