Thirteen years. 

Thirteen long years ago.

May 13, 1995 was a very long time ago.  But it is a date that stands as a benchmark that bears significant importance for me.

A lot of you out there have your significant date, for me it is the date of the last domestic car purchase.  In my case a 1995 Ford Contour SE.  Funny thing is I still remember the payment amount, $367.66.  I have a good head for numbers, I remember a lot of non-important numbers that have been part of my life.

Why reminisce about a car bought 13 years ago you might ask?

I'll tell you, because currently the United States is at a crossroad.  The economy is falling apart daily, and the long slow decay of the domestic auto industry has turned into a collapsing giant that will take down many other companies in the process.

Companies who rely on in part or whole customers named General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. 

So I got thinking, and I want to propose an idea that just might be crazy enough to work.  Well, it would work but it would take everyone's participation - and that means you.

What if we all bought American.

I'll give you a minute to recover.

What if we all bought an American car.  A GM, Ford or Chrysler.

Maybe not today or tomorrow, but what if we collectively decided to make a statement and start to buy domestic vehicles.

Imagine the impact that would have on our economy.

I mean, lets look at the facts.

Currently the Big Three are begging Congress for loans and other bailouts.

Who do you think that money comes from?

If you said you and I, you would be correct.

Congress is loaning our money, our hard earned money to the Big Three (and banks, and insurance companies, and just about anyone else able to get an audience with Congress) in an attempt to head off bankruptcy or worse.

Wouldn't it make more sense that if we are going to give money to the Big Three, we at least get a little enjoyment or use out of it.

Where I live a lot of people depend on the auto industry for work.  Located within a 50 mile radius from my house is the Saturn factory (which is churning out the new Chevy Traverse), a Nissan factory, and Honda factory and a Toyota factory.  Expand that radius to 200 miles and you pick up another Nissan factory, a Hyundai factory, the forthcoming VW plant as well as Mercedes-Benz.

The economic impact from any manufacturer tanking is huge and widespread, for General Motors and the 200,000 employees the impact would be devastating.  Job losses as the impact trickles down through vendors and suppliers is immense.  No matter where you live in the country, odds are that someone you know would be impacted by a shutdown.

So why not take a leap of faith, and invest money back into the Big Three by purchasing your next vehicle at a GM, Ford or Chrysler dealer.

I for one cannot cast judgment, for while the car purchase in 1995 was domestic, cars since then have been mainly German.

But what if that were to change.

What kind of impact would that have on the US economy along with the Big Three?

I can hear some of you thoughts as you argue that cars like the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry and others are made here in the US.

You are right, and cars like those and many others do have a positive impact on our economy, however Honda, Toyota, Nissan and others aren't lining up at the doorstep of Congress to beg for money.

We as a country are experiencing a downturn like none of us have ever known.  Stories from our parents and grandparents about the Great Depression truly have very little impact on us as we never actually experienced such times, and as such we have difficulty comprehending such times.

But while we are optimistic that things can't get much worse, the fact is NONE of know that for sure.  Because of that, I propose a pro-active game plan that will help to strengthen our economy by buying American

And there are a lot of options that I think fit the bill pretty well.  Cars like the Cadillac CTS, Dodge Challenger, Chevrolet Camaro, Ford Flex and many others show tremendous promise.

I'm going to do my part, my wife and I have already agreed that our next car will be from the Big Three.  Does that mean we won't ever go back to an import, probably not.  But if choosing the Big Three can have a positive impact on our economy and help to get things back on track, I am willing to help.  Multiply this decision by a large portion of our population, and we the consumer can fast track the recovery of the economy, and help friends and neighbors keep jobs that currently are on the line.

Tell me I am crazy, but I think making this bold decision is one that guarantees we all win, and ultimately isn't that what it is all about.  Making us winners.

Are you willing to do your part to help the US economy?

Taking One For The Home Team - How To Save The Big Three And Perhaps Even The US Economy

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