Toyota has come under fire for what critics have called foot-dragging on pure electric vehicles.  Now the automaker is fighting back with it's most robust retort.

Toyota Chief Scientist Gill Pratt criticized such waffling ambitions as happy talk.

“What has to change is that we have to mature a little bit, and we have to stop doing wishful thinking,” he said. “A real discussion is that these are the constraints in the development of resources in the world, both material resources and charging infrastructure and renewable power… If that is true, how do we reduce the total amount of carbon dioxide that will accumulate?

“That is a mature discussion, not a kind of dream discussion.”

Toyota draws from several forecasts that show battery demand for lithium continuing to outstrip supply of lithium as far into the future as 2040. One scenario shows supply covering as little as one-third of total global demand in that time frame.

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Toyota's Chief Scientist Tells EV Zealots

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