The owner of a stock-standard Hyundai Elantra N recently had his car's registration suspended for breaking noise regulations. Now, before we go any further, there's something you need to know about the Elantra N. The N has several driving modes, and in "Normal" mode, it's quiet enough to pass an inspection easily. It's such a simple hack that we've often wondered why other manufacturers don't follow the same route. This latest run-in with the law might be the reason.

Its variable exhaust system is a massive part of the Elantra N's charm. The cracks and pops it delivers are an aural homage to Hyundai's extremely successful WRC team. While it's more vocal than any other four-cylinder out there, the Elantra N is hardly loud enough to create a massive fracas between car lovers and the police. It's a strange hill to die on, but it's the route ICE-adverse California has chosen.


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WATCH: California Bans Registration Of A Stock Hyundai Elantra N Over Exhaust Noise

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