This video features the Tesla Cybertruck against a Chevy Silverado diesel in a tug-of-war battle. The Cybertruck doesn't tug though, so the Silverado easily wins.
Let's go back in time a bit first. When Tesla debuted its Cybertruck, it featured a video showing the electric truck easily beating the Ford F-150 in a tug-of-war contest. The was a lot of controversy surrounding the matchup though and there was even a hint of a rematch from Ford. However, Ford later backed down from challenging the Cybertruck in a tug-of-war challenge.
Shortly thereafter, a whole bunch of Tesla tug-of-war videos surfaced on YouTube. One featured an old Tesla Roadster versus a Ford F-650, while others showcased the Model X against a Hummer and even the Model 3 had a go against some trucks.


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WATCH: Real World Cybertruck Tug Of War Fails To Live Up To Expectations

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