When it comes to fuel prices, most consumers have drawn the line at $4 per gallon.

If gas prices reach that point, roughly 65 percent of consumers indicated they would make major changes in their driving behavior, according to a recent study from the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association.

"While a third of consumers claim they already changed their driving behavior by curtailing driving or maintaining their vehicle better when gas prices reached $3 a gallon, the real tipping point is $4 a gallon," stated Kathleen Schmatz, president and chief executive officer of AAIA.

As fuel costs continue to rise, many consumers have already started to alter their auto-related decisions, including what type of vehicles they purchase and how often they drive.

An Opinion Research Corp. study for AIAA noted that 91 percent of drivers don't drive as much. Also, 75 percent have taken steps to improve their vehicle maintenance.

Thirty percent of respondents said they have purchased more fuel-efficient vehicles, while 31 percent have carpooled and 24 percent utilized public transportation more often.

What Are You Going To Do When Gas Hits $4 A Gallon In The U.S.?

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