Inside EV's were invited to Xpeng's media drive event on January 13th in Guangzhou to test out XPeng's Navigation Guided Pilot tech, but unfortunately, due to COVID travel restrictions, they couldn't attend.

Thankfully, they had a colleague in China, Mark Andrews, that was willing to record his test drive and offer his thoughts on the system. XPeng also provided Tesla Model 3 for the participants to drive over the same route later in the day.

Mark was joined for the Tesla drive by software engineer and local EV advocate Jefferson Teng. Teng is an Xpeng customer and owns both an Xpeng G3 SUV and P7 sedan.

@3:10 Mark's introduction
@4:58 Mark begins Xpeng P7 with NGP road test
@18:05 Tesla Model 3 test drive begins
@30:50 Mark and Jefferson offer final thoughts on the comparison

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