Lucid hopes to make a splash in the luxury EV market with its initial offering in the Air. The Dream Edition trim itself is a marvel to see in person with a hefty price tag to match.

Initial cost aside, The Dream Edition Air is as sleek and luxurious as it is functional and efficient. In speaking to an impressively approachable roster of VPs, designers, and operations managers, the quest to deliver the very best within every square inch of the vehicle makes it a site to see.

The first thing you notice is the overall roominess of the Air’s interior, especially in the back seat. What’s unique to the Air compared to other vehicles, is how much larger it feels inside than it looks outside, and that’s no accident.

What is YOUR take Spies on this new EV SEDAN?

To me I don't care if it has 2000 miles of range, to my eye it's like the modern day Chrysler CONCORDE.

Looks like something that would come from LEE IACOCCA.

Full review (with NO verdict or conclusion) at the link...

REVIEW: Lucid Air Dream Edition. What Is YOUR Take On This New EV SEDAN? Will It Make Elon SWEAT?

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