Tesla has made multiple price drops and ihe impact of Tesla's price cuts has been significant. According to a recent report by Reuters, the market share of electric vehicles by non-Tesla manufacturers has remained stagnant, even as the overall market for EVs has grown. This indicates that Tesla's aggressive pricing strategy has had a significant impact on the industry, and that consumers are more price-sensitive than ever when it comes to purchasing EVs.

Price is undoubtedly a crucial factor for most consumers when purchasing a vehicle, and it seems to be particularly true for EVs.

And part of the reason is that the media has turned them into climate statements and appliances and tamped down the emotion that used to be such of big part of driving.

We have also done a number of articles that basically show that the market truly doesn’t want EVs over 70k. The only reason they found reasonable success in the beginning was because they were the ONLY decent choices in electrics. But now that a model 3 and Y are in the $40's, it seems MORE than enough for most serious buyers.

Plus, the rush to buy 25k Chevy Bolt’s (not the greatest product ever made and also PLAGUED with issues) only makes the argument STRONGER.

So do YOU agree? When it comes to EVs and the buyers is PRICE the MOST important factor in the buying decision?

It’s ALL About The Price. Is That Statement More TRUE About EVs Than With ANY Other Vehicles In 2023?

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