In this magazine’s quarter of a century we haven’t been much troubled by Cadillac. There has been the odd foray into Europe and the UK, but mostly these experiments have been short-lived and doomed to failure. Cadillac seems somehow the most American of all brands. Which is our slightly snotty Western European way of saying… pretty crappy. ‘Luxury’ served up with cheap materials, dynamics tuned for roads very different from our own, and a sort of faded, brittle feel of a marque struggling to reanimate former glories for modern times.

However, what do we know? What does anyone know in these uncertain days? New brands pop up every five minutes, new technology sweeps in to decimate much of what we hold dear, but then the promise of efuels and flexible solutions provide a glimpse of a bright future. And Cadillac? Even before these tumultuous times it had been quietly upping its game and focusing on dynamics in an impressively detailed way. This CT4-V Blackwing (along with its big brother, the CT5-V Blackwing, evo 293) was launched in late 2021 and we probably shouldn’t have ignored it up to now.

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DRIVEN: Cadillac CT4V Blackwing Puts The BMW M3 On Notice

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