There are currently no Chinese vehicle brands for sale in the U.S., but what if there were? In a recent survey issued by AutoPacific, nearly half of respondents said they are familiar with Chinese vehicle brands and about 35% of respondents said they would consider (definitely or maybe) purchasing a new vehicle from a Chinese brand. The results are part of AutoPacific’s bi-monthly Fuel Price Impact Survey, issued to a proprietary panel of vehicle owners in the U.S. The survey yielded responses from nearly 800 respondents aged 18-80 who were asked a unique set of questions about Chinese-brand vehicles and privacy concerns. However, that overall purchase consideration doesn’t tell the whole story. When broken down by age, 76% of respondents under 40 said they would consider buying a vehicle from a Chinese brand. Consideration then declines significantly by age group with only about 26% of those 60 and older willing to consider one. “A surprising number of American consumers are familiar with Chinese car brands even though none are sold here currently. This is especially true among savvy Millennials and Gen Z, who would be the most likely to consider acquiring a vehicle from a Chinese brand” said Ed Kim, President and Chief Analyst at AutoPacific.

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