BMW owners can access a multitude of data points if they agree to allow their car to collect more driving details than necessary. One nifty implementation is the CO2 emissions tool that tells customers if they drive as efficiently as other members of the BMW family. Some treat it as a challenge, but not in the way the automaker envisioned.
Automakers are forced to go beyond car manufacturing in this day and age. They must give buyers more than just a reliable ride. After all, Tesla proved that you can transform a battery-powered commuting appliance into an entertainment center on wheels.
And since the all-electric Model Y became the world's best-selling vehicle last year, the competition for digitalization and lower emissions heated up tremendously. Of course, government incentives and efficiency regulations also helped with the latter.

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BMW App Challenges Owners To Pollute Less But Instead Drivers Try to See Who Can Pollute The Most

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