Trembles. Insomnia. Irritability. Agitation. Confusion. Dilation of pupils. Quickening pulse rate. Profound delirium. That’s it, now I’m addicted.If this drug would cost a fortune and I’d have to walk down a dark alley to buy it off some weird-looking dude, it wouldn’t be an issue.
The problem is that this drug is legal, we can buy it in a welcoming and bright place, and its price is almost reasonable.
The drug I’m addicted to is simply called G. Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand, sells this beast since 2003, which benefits from a complete redesign this year.
Trembles. Insomnia. Irritability. Agitation. Confusion. Dilation of pupils. Quickening pulse rate. Profound delirium. That’s it, now I’m addicted.If this drug would cost a fortune and I’d have to walk down a dark alley to buy it off some weird-looking dude, it wouldn’t be an issue.
The problem is that this drug is legal, we can buy it in a welcoming and bright place, and its price is almost reasonable.
The drug I’m addicted to is simply called G. Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand, sells this beast since 2003, which benefits from a complete redesign this year.
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