Right now as I type out this story, I have on President Barack Obama delivering his speech to the Demorcratic National Convention in the background. After watching Vice President Joe Biden deliver the President's introduction, I couldn't help but think of one thing: I wonder what price gas will be at tomorrow.

My love and daily driver is running out of fuel and if I want to make it to my office tomorrow I am going to have to top up.

And now as I see the President deliver his keynote I can't help but wonder what the price of gas will be post election -- will the price of gas change depending on who's in the White House?

Even better: If the price DOES change, does that mean the President has the power to change the price of gas?

Though the U.S. still pays less than our friends overseas, the prices as of late are getting painful -- yet again.

Spies, discuss!

Will The Price Of Gas Change Depending On Who Wins This November's Election? And Will It Go UP Or DOWN?

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