Dear 001,

I know I'm going to get in a ton of trouble for posting this, but I don't want to see my fellow SRT owners end up like me. There's some VERY important information that you all need to know. As we all know, DCX watches SRTforums VERY carefully. Hell, there's DCX employees that post here on a regular basis. Well, I learned this morning that DCX is taking a play right out of their underling Mitsubishi's playbook.

My warranty is now null and void.

It seems as though DCX is watching the forums and voiding the warranty of those who are racing their cars. My service manager received a call this morning from an old Regional Director of his asking about warranty work that has been done to my car. He said that they had information from "a website" that I was racing my car on both the drag strip and the road course and that they were in the process of "restricting" all warranty work done to my vehicle. I've done some searching and found the posts that I could see would piss someone off, but this all started over a freaking Clutch that I actually PAID $720.71 for and was NOT done under warranty work. The thing that is getting me voided is this post:

That's the only thing I can see. I posted about my problems receiving the other CV shaft in this post: in which 1st Neon brought the ORIGINAL post to their attention. Thanks dude. I appreciate your help in getting this expediated.

Well, I just thought you guys should know. DO NOT POST ANYTHING ABOUT RACING YOUR CARS OR RECEIVING WARRANRY WORK. IF YOU HAVE, DELETE THOSE POSTS. I'm going to be leaving ALL of my posts up, seeing that it looks like I'm the first victim. I just don't want you guys to end up like me. IF you do go to the track, EVEN TO SPECTATE, cover your VIN with a piece of paper or something. NEVER POST YOUR VIN. That's how they tracked me down. If you have posted it, DELETE it.

There you guys have it. The company that we thought were behind us racing is now trying to screw us. How a company like DaimlerChrysler can have performance divisions like SRT and AMG and NOT expect us to race our cars is beyond me. How a company can void an entire warranty for racing a car (even if NOTHING was broken while racing) is beyond me as well. I'm looking into the legal ramifications of this right now and I'll keep you guys abreast of what's going on in this tread.


See more here.

What are your thoughts regarding this subject?

If this is really happening, is DCX right or wrong?

Post your feedback below

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