Arizona lawmakers who failed to pass a ban on automated ticketing machines are doing the next best thing. They are re-writing the laws to make it harder for red light camera companies to issue "gotcha" tickets to motorists. The state Senate Appropriations Committee voted 8-4 to adjust the definition of an intersection to, in effect, give motorists more time to clear an intersection before seeing a flash in their rear-view mirror. State Senator Frank Antenori (R-Vail) introduced the amendment to bring the state code into compliance with federal regulations, as established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

"Currently, with the exception of Alaska and Arizona, this is the law in every state in America," Antenori explained on Tuesday. "We're the only states that do that, and it creates confusion."

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Arizona Lawmakers Rewrite Books To Avoid Gotcha Tickets From Red Light Cameras

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