In China, there are contests for just about everything. Here is Miss “Saleswoman of Cars” for 2008.
Her name is named Vivi, and she is 21 years old working in  a DongFeng-Citroen dealer in China.

Using her obviously natural sales skills and beauty to her advantage, The the going gets tough, Vivi has been known to stray away from the four squares sales figure tactic just long enough to “accidentally" drop her pen and precariously bend over to retrieve it.  If you aren't swayed by this tactic ,another favorite  is to ask the purchaser to hold her stool while she reached to the top shelf for a sales brochure.

With sales tactics like that, I have to say most of us would be hard pressed to not buy something from her.

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China's Saleswoman of the Year Employs Unique Sales Techniques

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