001 just landed in Detroit, a day earlier than usual, in order to give you the best pre-show coverage of the initial Detroit auto show buzz.

In typical fashion, the local newspapers are just as oblivious as the Big Three about what is hot and what is not.

One of the top stories on today's Detroit News is that GM will be showing the new Camaro convertible and they are trying to really build the hype.

But the Spies ask the question...Does anyone REALLY care?

They're 4 years late bringing the REGULAR Camaro out and the whole Mustang thing is waning fast.

So why is ths the big story?

Because they are SO dependant on the big three's ads.

The REAL pre-show top story should be how Toyota is going to steal the show away from GM with the new FT-HS Hybrid sports car.

Sorry GM and Ford, the new FT-HS has just checkmated your sportscar strategy.

The Spies are ready to bring you the best show coverage and galleries...keep checking back often this weekend as news can break at any minute.

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DETROIT AUTO SHOW- GM set to roll Camaro Convertible- Does anyone care?

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