Maybe you watched "An Inconvenient Sequel," the sequel to, you guessed it, "An Inconvenient Truth." Or perhaps it was the film "Who Killed (and sequel "Revenge Of...) The Electric Car." You even may have watched all four. The point is something struck a nerve. You stood up from the couch, clenched your fist, and with conviction shouted (wait -- the kids are asleep...whispered) “I should buy an electric car!” But hang on. You are a bona fide car nerd, and it’s nothing short of blasphemy to putz around in a Prius, let alone some weak full-on electric car. What to do?

BMW thinks it has a solution for you and the proof comes in the form of the letter S. For 2018 BMW put a developmental polish on the i3 and added a sport model, naming it i3s. Being a sportier version of a car, it receives the usual sportier versions of things. More power, a stiffer suspension, wider and bigger wheels, and unique styling features. What’s unusual here is scale.


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DRIVEN: BMW i3s - When Sport Doesn't Really Mean Sport

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