Now and again, particularly when there is an overflowing inventory, you can walk out of the showroom with more cash in your pocket than you may have expected. Hell, sometimes you may even feel as though you STOLE the product -- not literally, of course.

That said we're a little curious about those situations:

Have you ever been offered an unheard of DEAL from a dealer?

Have YOU ever paid way less than a buddy or neighbor?

Speaking of your neighbor and friend, have you ever been in the situation to take a vehicle off of someone's hands for next to nothing while the original owner took a ridiculous loss?

Have you been web-savvy and snapped up an eBay find that was way below the wholesale price?

If you've got stories, we want to know!

What vehicle was it? What was the deal? AND, how did it compare?

Have You Ever STOLEN A Car? We Mean Bought One SO Cheap, It Was Impossible To Say NO?

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