Although you may write this off as a silly question, it actually is a very good one. Hear me out.

Long story short, as technology has begun gripping us at just about every touch point in our lives, plenty of things have changed. And when you speak to today's youth, you'll notice there has been an attitude shift when it comes to automobiles and technology.

Back when I was young, everyone was SO excited to get behind the wheel and drive. Now, that's not the case. Not only have I spoken to teenagers who could care less, statistics have also made the same conclusions. That's because with insurance priced so high and gas prices fluctuating, it's just not THAT practical anymore.

With that said, folks have turned to the latest technology. It's cooler to have the latest MacBook, iPhone, Droid, or whatever you can think of.

So assuming you had to cough up one or the other, we're a little curious: WHICH is going to go away first?

Your car or the internet?

If You Had To - Would YOU Give Up Your CAR Or The Internet First?

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