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Yesterday marked the introduction of an all-new BMW X5. In its third generation, the X5 is one of BMW's top sellers. In other words, BMW cannot afford to mess this one up. And, from what we're seeing now that the vehicle has done the fully monty, we're pretty sure BMW couldn't of messed it up.

That's because BMW played it safe. REALLY safe.

How so, you ask? Well, we decided to take shots of a 2011 X5 and put them right next to the all-new pictures released today. Now you can see exactly how the all-new X5 is different from the outgoing product.

Clearly the 2014 BMW X5 is an evolution rather than a revolution. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it is an interesting move as BMW has been a brand that's been pushing boundaries in the past 10 years.

That said, we want you to weigh in. Take a look at the shots below and let us know: is the all-new X5 different enough from the outgoing X5? Is its exterior and interior styling a welcome surprise or a letdown?

2014 BMW X5 Photo Gallery

Is The 2014 BMW X5 Different Enough From The Outgoing X5? We Compare Designs Head-To-Head

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