Just about every automotive article you read today has some focus on fuel, downsizing or the environment.

And because of the craziness of gas prices (I saw $5.69 for diesel in LA this weekend), people are flocking to the Honda's and the Toyota's of the world buying up every Civic, Prius and Yaris they can make.

At we advocate highly doing as much research as you can (hopefully here), before you purchase a vehicle.

But one question that isn't even coming into the mix anywhere in print or on the net until now is....

Is there such a thing as a truly safe, fuel efficient, small car?

Yes, you save on gas if you downsize, but are you putting yourself in harm's way for trying to save a buck and be good to the environment?

All the studies we read say that ALL small cars are LESS safe than the larger vehicles.

I think this is a very important topic that gets discussed in great detail.

So that potential buyers can use it as a resource because a lot of families and children will be driving in these cars.

So what would you tell a family member or a friend if they asked you the question, is there a truly safe small car and if so, which company makes the safest ones?

Please take the time to voice your opinions in detail.

I'm looking forward to reading the responses.

Someone's life may depend upon it.

Is There Such A Thing As A SAFE, SMALL Car? And Who Do You Think Makes The Safest?

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