Tag Links: BMW, Free service


I was out today at a local BMW dealer and while I was waiting in his office, I glanced over and saw this ad on his desk touting the free service BMW includes with all their cars.

In my opinion, free service included for the term of the lease is a big selling advantage over the competition.

I think it is smart for their sales force to have this gentle reminder for the customers at their desks.

And if you're a salesperson at a BMW dealer don't discount how important this is to educated consumer's like me.

I always wonder how many deals the competitors lose because they don't have it as part of their sales offering.

The corporate line we get from PR is that it is only a couple oil changes, etc. and not that important to most customer's at that price range.

But we here at AutoSpies.com are just not buyin' it!

We think it gives BMW an awesome advantage at the sales desk.

Is comparing a BMW to a Lexus or a Mercedes an apples to oranges comparison? BMW thinks so.

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