The story really hasn't changed after a couple of years.

It all started with Lexus building a car that everyone said it couldn't. And it did.

Sure, it was behind deadline. Sure, it was scrapped after five years of development to be taken back to the drawing board. Sure, it isn't the fastest supercar ever made.

But with everyone that's actually spent time behind the wheel, the same words seemingly are echoed: "The LFA is the best car I've driven."

So, what happens when the globe's biggest automotive personality says the same thing?

Well, we're going to find out.

The very opinionated, brutal, pro-British Jeremy Clarkson has reported in just about every single one of his outlets now that the Lexus LFA is superb. While he makes note of its flaws, he's come clean and has said numerous times that he loves the LFA.

And now Top Gear magazine is making that crystal clear with a cover that simply reads "Many things are wrong with it, but it's still the best car I've ever driven."

Keep in mind that Top Gear's American special should be airing soon and it will feature Clarkson behind the wheel of the yellow LFA marketing/press car that you've seen everywhere else.

That said, now that Clarkson has weighed in does THIS change ANYTHING at all when it comes to the Lexus LFA and what YOU think?


The LFA doesn’t show any of those traits at all. It’s more like a Terminator. You tell it what to do, and it will keep on doing it. It absolutely will not stop.

Can you ever love a machine? Of course you can. John Connor did. And I love the LFA.

If you read The Sunday Times article or saw the now unavailable Top Gear special, it was very clear that JC was impressed by the LFA — this new review, however, takes it to a whole other level.

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