My favorite thing about the internet, is that it democratizes the delivery of information, by giving anyone a chance to voice their opinion with worldwide implications.

And what makes it even better, is that incredibly powerful technology is available to say people like Joe the plumber.

In this case, Rob, the Acura salesman.

Get ready Rob, because we're about to make you as famous in the auto world, as Obama made Joe the plumber in the political world.

We just hope that our competitors don't start digging up dirt on you to send to MSNBC. ;)

In this video, Rob, the Acura salesperson claims that in virtually EVERY area, the new TL is better than the BMW 335xi.

We ask you to watch the video and tell us if he's right or if Rob should be looking for another career in hospitality or entertainment.

And to all the readers, I say you're welcome for this wonderfully juicy piece of red meat!

You can also click here to visit may post a video soon saying the RL is better than the 2009 BMW 7-Series!  ;)

New Acura TL BETTER By A Nose Than The BMW 335? Or Is It?

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