Hoping to appeal to folks fed up with rising gasoline prices, the nation's dependence on foreign oil and global warming, a new company plans to offer motorists an alternative: a 100 percent electric car.

The newly formed company, Advanced Mechanical Products Inc., or AMP, on Tuesday announced plans to convert gas burning automobiles to electric-powered vehicles. The "AMP Totally Electric Car" concept was unveiled at the company's headquarters along Deerfield Road, where a green Saturn Sky two-door sports coupe was on display.

AMP officials said the car will be the first they will convert from gas to electric power.

AMP, started by local entrepreneurs, engineers and investors, plans to spend about $1 million to complete the first prototype by year's end, said Jack Kuntz, president and CEO. He said production could begin in 2008.

He said AMP plans to use existing Saturn models - including its four-door sedans and small SUVs - and replace internal combustion engines with electric motors, batteries and computer technology.

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