This Saturday, Porsche throws open the doors on a gleaming new museum designed by Delugan Meissl. But is it even the best car museum in Germany? Does the Porsche Museum, near its Stuttgart factory, stack up to the BMW Welt, which opened in Munich a year ago? Let's compare them in pictures, blow by blow:

Like the Porsche Museum, BMW Welt (designed by Coop Himmelb(l)au) has a dramatic approach. Its signature is a vortex of metal and glass which had architecture critics gushing:

Compare that to the Porsche Museum. The faceted shape has become fairly familiar, thanks to architectural razzle dazzle from the likes of Zaha Hadid and Daniel Liebeskind, but it does have a major advantage: Each one of the building's faces looks unique.

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 An Exclusive  Inside Look At The Brand New Porsche Museum

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