If you own a Lexus, you more likely to swap or supplement it with a Prius or another hybrid than any other non-luxury car, per a new study.

The study, released on March 4 by Acxiom, a marketing services firm in Little Rock, Ark., found luxe car owners were more than twice as likely to downgrade to a hybrid than a standard non-luxe model.

The survey found, not surprisingly, that such consumers are willing to make the trade to make a statement about their commitment to the environment. Hybrids typically cost $6,000 or more than non-hybrid versions of the same models and boast better gas mileage, which makes them more environmentally friendly.

The study also found that hybrid buyers are more interested in science, reading science fiction, music collections and camping than those who are not as likely to buy a hybrid. Hybrid buyers also tend to live on the coasts and are twice as likely to have a household income of $125,000 or more than those who buy gasoline-powered cars.

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Study Show Luxury Car Owners Are Twice As Likely To Downgrade To Hybrids

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