Whether you love him or hate him, the one thing that I think we all can agree on is the fact that Jeremy Clarkson is at least amusing.  Of course amusing can go either way, some see a person who is amusing and assume that person to be a moron while another can see the same person and see a genius.  I fall into the second camp on this one and happen to think that if not pure genius, certainly borderline genius status can be given to Jeremy Clarkson.

He is first and foremost entertaining but it is also obvious he knows his cars as well as being a halfway decent driver.  Which is what makes the premise of this segment so amusing.  Earlier in the week brought you the Prius vs. BMW M3 video done by Top Gear.  As amusing as the video was, in the end it was really pointless which enhanced the entertainment value.  It really doesn't matter if you loved that video or hated it, the appeal of a Toyota Prius racing a BMW M3 got you to click the link and watch the video.

What we didn't show you was the entire first segment of the video that sought to find out what super car was the most fuel efficient.  Anytime cars like the Lamborghini Murcielago, Mercedes McLaren SLR, Ferrari 599 GTB, Aston DBS and Audi R8, people sit up and take notice.  In this case, these cars were assembled on the track and given 1 gallon of gas to find out which car would go the furthest.

You'll have to watch the video to find out the winner, what is surprising is seeing which car finished second in this video.

I know there will be those who disagree with the results, so I ask the following, how could the test been carried out differently to find the most efficient Super Car?

Super Car Showdown - The Quest to Find the Most Fuel Efficient Supercar - And the Results Will Surprise You!

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