We all have our favorite brands, and it is pretty obvious what they can be:  Agent00R falls down in favor of BMW and Hyundai time and time again.  Agent001 sometimes hints at BMW and Audi but holds Lexus dear as well.  As for yours truly, we all know I do favor the perennial underdog Audi, followed closely by Volkswagen. Now by reading your comments it is pretty clear, you each have your favorites as well.  No harm there at all.

But while we all beat to the tune of a different drummer on our likes, the question I want to know is what brands we don’t like and why.  If you ask 001 car that continually fails to impress him is the SMART.  Something about them fails to click with his inner child I guess.  If you ask me, you will see the ownership of three Lexus (one currently) and one Infiniti have cast significant shadows on both of those brands. 

Simply put a bad experience with any brand may tarnish your opinion, but is it limited to the car, the dealership, ownership experience or something else?  Some of these are easy to address, like moving to another service facility. Others are harder to resolve such as design issues or poor quality.  These are both valid reasons.

But I suspect a number of you simply don’t like a brand, and have never sat inside of it, or even driven one. If you think a Lexus is a glorified Toyota, or an Audi is a over grown VW then you probably haven’t ever driven one since the early 90’s, if ever. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. So is it envy sowing these seeds of hostility?

So now is your chance to settle the score and let us know why a certain brand strikes a negative chord with you.  Are they simply a poseur that doesn’t deserve the time of day from you?  Do think there design principals just stink? Perhaps the dealership may have screwed you over. 

We want to hear your horror stories, your terrible confessions. It is time to cleanse your soul and free your demons forever.  The Dr. is in and the couch is now open for your confessions.

The Confessional Is Open: Why Do You Love To Hate A Brand?

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