There are so many great things about California but one of the things that makes this the greatest place on earth besides, the best weather, the best looking people, houses, food, wine, cheese (yes, we're killing France now in competitions for wine/cheese) views, sites, etc. is that people here are REALLY interesting and they are allowed to do their own thing, so a LOT of cool things go on...this one in particular...where else can you go and not only see a car this ridiculous but that someone ACTUALLY built it from the ground up with their own money and they use it as a daily driver! Gotta love the full size Yoda in the passenger seat!!!!

Forget 'Pimp my Ride', this thing has out-pimped everything! Back to the drawing boards pimpers! ;)

2020, here we come!!!!!

The car we'll all be driving in 2020?

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