Geneva, Switzerland – Toyota has ranked highest among automakers and second among all industries for ethical reputation by Geneva-based Covalence. The ratings, for the first quarter of 2008, are divided by Best EthicalQuote Score, Best EthicalQuote Progress, and Best Reported Progress.

Covalence rates companies by such factors as community affairs, international presence, lobbying practices, product environmental risk, social sponsorship, waste management and human rights, and to a lesser extent, wages, anticorruption policy, environmental impact of production, social impact, United Nations policy and eco-innovative product. Twenty multinational companies are analyzed in ten major sectors.

Best EthicalQuote Score and Best EthicalQuote Progress are calculated by evaluating positive and negative news, while Best Reported Performance is calculated by quantifying positive news only.

Overall, Toyota ranked second to Unilever for Best EthicalQuote Score. In Best EthicalQuote Progress, Toyota ranked second behind Wal-Mart, while General Motors placed fourth. In Best Reported Performance, Wal-Mart was ranked first, followed by Toyota in second and General Motors in third. These were the only two automakers to make the list of leaders across all sectors.

Among Automobiles & Parts, Best EthicalQuote Score rankings were, in order, Toyota, Ford, General Motors, Honda, BMW, Daimler, Renault, Nissan, Peugeot and Denso. Best EthicalQuote Progress rankings, in order, were Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Honda, Nissan, BMW, Mazda, Renault, Denso and Daimler. Under Best Reported Performance, the companies, in order, were Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Honda, Nissan, BMW, Renault, Mazda, Daimler and Volkswagen.

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