Though a lot of folks tend to pick on pop sensation Justin Bieber, you have to admit it's out of envy.

Imagine being that young, that wealthy and that desirable. I say good on 'ya, Justin.

Unfortunately, like many of Hollywood's young, famous and -- in some cases -- reckless, Bieber was being followed by the paparazzi when he pulled this latest stunt.

Seen driving a customized Ferrari 458 Italia coupe, Bieber stops in the centerlane of a main street. Of course the money hungry paps stop on either side of the vehicle thereby impeding traffic. Not sure who's to blame, technically, though I would have to say the Los Angeles Police Department should issue the three parties involved a summons for interrupting the flow of traffic.

More on the 458. From what I can see it appears to be painted a flat white -- why not Bianco Fuji, Justin(!) -- and accented with baby blue (seen on the rear emblem and steering wheel. I guess he was going for the University of North Carolina's colors? Also seen are tinted-out taillights and a set of large diameter, white, cross-spoke wheels.

Being followed by paparazzi down the streets of Los Angeles, Justin decides to confront the paparazzi face to face. At one point when Bieber stops in traffic, he has paparazzi vehicles on both sides of his car.

VIDEO: Justin Bieber Confronts Paparazzi And Stops Traffic In LA

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