Tag Links: audi, r8, used car


In the automotive world, it works very simply.

You either have the coin for your set of wheels or you don't. Sure, you an lock in some financing, but ultimately cash is king. The more you have, the better off you are.

However, with the economy still limping as it tries to get on its feet, going out and snapping up your favorite vehicle isn't the wisest fiscal decision.

That said, many folks are waiting for prices to drop before making their move.

Taking that element into consideration, what are the top THREE rides you have on YOUR mind and you're waiting for to come DOWN in price?

This could only be hearsay, but I heard 001 has his heart set on an Audi R8 once it brakes a certain price barrier.

What say you?

What Are The Top THREE Cars You Can't Wait Until They Are USED And In YOUR Price Range?

About the Author
