It was only a couple of weeks ago that Chrysler came out and started talking up the all-new 300 and a nifty new feature.

That, my friends, is an all-new eight-speed autobox, which should -- in theory -- deliver better fuel efficiency. To be quite honest, that's a great thing. We know that drivers over the past 24 months have become extremely aware of new cars and their respective mpg ratings, this can only do good things for the new 300.

But there's one thing that every publication has seemingly ignored. If they haven't, then I haven't seen it.

Notice anything interesting about the new eight-speed gear shift?

If I didn't know any better I would say that Chrysler took a little creative license from Audi and the flagship A8. Not that this wouldn't be the first time one brand became "inspired" by another.

Between the shifter, the leather trimmings becoming more prevalent inside the 300 and the LEDs up front, should the Chrysler 300's tagline be "the best Audi made in America?"

When Does Mimicking Become Piracy - Should The Chrysler 300's New Tagline Be

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