You may have noticed that in the past six months we've really made an effort to step up our coverage of Elon Musk's Tesla (TSLA). That isn't by mistake, mind you. While interest in the automaker has always been there percolating, in the past 12 months it's hit an all-time high.

Consumers are infatuated with the Model S. They love the screen and they adore the speed. Having recently spoken with Agent 001, we exchanged anecdotes about how one of the most often asked questions of us is "So, have you driven a Tesla?"

People are obsessed much like they are with an Apple iPhone. There's a lust factor that any company would die to have for one of its products.

Now with Dieselgate getting into full swing here, it seems that there has to be a BIG winner from all of the radioactive fallout at Volkswagen. Is that winner going to be Tesla?

What say you, Spies? We're dying to know.

Where There's A LOSER, There's Always A WINNER — Is The LOVE For Tesla Set To Skyrocket?

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