Facing dwindling natural resources and increasing pollution almost everyone can agree that we must conserve more energy. The main argument today is how we need to do it.

President Bush would like us to believe that ethanol based flex fuels are the ticket much to the benefit of the American farmer. The Europeans feel that an increased focus on efficient, yet powerful diesels is the way to go. The Japanese on the other hand prefer an electrical boost in the form of the battery assisted Hybrid to stretch every last ounce of mileage per gallon.

To compound the situation every other day a new study touts the benefit of each platform and why it will win out. The JD Power and Associates think tank seems to be leaning to the diesel camp. The US government’s studies seem to indicate flex fuel are the best step. And a new study today by says the Hybrids are the clear-cut winner. Confusing? No doubt.

Now with the wagons all circling around the proverbial campfire in 2008, we are preparing for the ultimate conservation shootout.

You tell us who will take the crown in the first step for conservation.

The established Hybrids?
The up and coming Diesels?
Or the true wildcard in the bunch Ethanol based flex fuels?

Which Fuel Saving Platform Will Dominate The Market in 10 Years?

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