Audi first did it in 1985 with a Quattro 100 scaling a 39 degree ski jump in the snow to demonstrate the amazing abilities of the then relatively new Quattro system.  To back up the point, in 2005 they replicated the task with an A6 at the same location with a much faster speed to the top.

Now we have  an interesting twist with a GT-R scaling a ski slope with average 40 degree inclines.

Which is more impressive?  The methodical scaling of ski jump, or the all-out run of the slope with plenty of room to gain momentum? 

Both are impressive but we must have a winner.

The original quest in 1985....

20 years later in 2005...

2013 with a GT-R

Which Is More Impressive Scaling A Ski Jump Or A Ski Slope In The Snow?

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