Until you've spent time in place where the weather is absolutely freezing and then jump off a plane in LA and feel that WONDERFUL warmth, you can't truly appreciate the Southern California lifestyle.

I was fortunate enough to be able to remind myself how blessed I am to be here after a fun week in Buffalo, Niagara on the Lake and Toronto testing the new Audi clean diesels.

But privilege has its price and as I made my way back from the airport I was seeing the signs showing diesel gas in California just about four bills a gallon!

That's over 30 cents a gallon more than premium!

To think, just a few years ago and for as long as I remember, diesel was ALWAYS cheapest.

So because I was raised in the conspiracy theory era here in the USA (1960-Today), I began to wonder, why has diesel gotten sooo expensive in such a short period.

Is it because the oil companies needed to raise in advance of their knowledge that clean diesels would hit USA shores later this year?

Or is it another reason?

And please don't tell me it's because of the huge demand...they have one or two forecasters in these oil companies that have know YEARS ago that demand would reach this point and they could have increased production, etc., etc., etc.

Oh, and by the way, some of the largest investors in the oil companies are the auto manfacturers,so they have a lot to gain by higher profits.

Tell us your theory below...

p.s. The Spies want to thank all our Canadian friends for their GREAT hospitality during our visit!

Have The Oil Companies Artificially Inflated Diesel Prices?

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