If you're like me, you too appreciate the way a vehicle sounds. While it's certainly not everything I look for in an all-new automobile, I will say one thing. It is a critical element that needs to be addressed. At least for me.

It appears I am not the only one that's a huge fan of sound either.

Our friends from across the pond, Auto Express compiled a video mashing up the exhaust notes of four, six, eight, 10 and 12 cylinder automobiles to show you what some would argue are the best of the best.

Here's the track listing:

- Four cylinders from Caterham
- Six cylinders from Porsche
- Eight cylinders from Jaguar
- 10 cylinders from Lamborghini
- 12 cylinders from Ferrari

Judging from their picks, I'd have to say that Auto Express did a helluva job.

VIDEO: The Art Of Noise — Four, Six, Eight, 10 AND 12 Cylinders Mashed Together

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