The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is getting close to finalizing a database that will allow the nation’s 240 million car and truck owners to determine if their vehicles have been recalled — and if they’ve been fixed.

Under a highway funding bill signed into law on July 6, 2012, by President Barack Obama, the safety agency is required to put in place a new online database. The agency in September said it is working on the database to boost the number of recalled vehicles that are repaired. The law said that the database is to be in place no later than one year after the law is in place.

NHTSA is proposing to offer owners and prospective owners an online search tool at that goes beyond the current ability to search by specific make and model vehicle. The new tool would allow them to enter the vehicle identification number — or VIN — to find out if the vehicle has been recalled and if it’s been fixed.


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NHTSA In Final Stages Of National Online Recall Database

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