Tag Link: Black Boxes


I n case you haven't heard, Big Brother is climbing into your car.

The government has set guidelines for the so-called "black boxes" automakers install in new vehicles to record how fast you were driving, when you hit the brakes, airbag deployment and other data.

The big question now: How will that information be used?

We all know that the first thing investigators look for when a plane crashes is the black box. It records critical flight data in the moments leading up to the crash. So can we foresee investigators scrambling for your vehicle's recorder when you are involved in an accident.

In the case of a serious accident, there are plenty of people who would like to get their hands on the data in a vehicle's recorder.

Automakers say they want access to the data so they can learn from what went wrong and therefore design safer vehicles. And there's insurance companies, looking to establish blame, and there's always a chance a lawyer or two might want to take a gander.

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Vehicle's black box creates new privacy concerns for drivers

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