Tag Links: tushek, renovatio


In the world of supercars, everyone expects the Italians to dominate, the British to sneak up from behind the pack and the Americans to do it as loud and as flamboyant as possible.

But when a small manufacturer comes from Slovenia, you have to stop and take a look.

That's because you know this is going to be far from ordinary and something you haven't really seen previously. At first glance, I can't help but think this could be the perfect replacement for those who didn't think of doing a one-off Lamborghini Aventador without a roof!

Anyhow, check out the excerpts from its recent drive by Autocar below, and note we've embedded a video for your viewing pleasure.

The Renovatio makes a modest (by supercar standards) 444bhp, but here's the thing: dry, it weighs only 1090kg. Tušek thinks most supercars aren’t particularly suited to track use because they're too heavy. I'm inclined to agree. And the Renovatio is pitched at the track-oriented end of the scale, which makes it additionally unusual in supercar circles.??..

What is it like?

Tidy. Surprised? So was I, a bit. The Renovatio could be one of those cars that’s easy to dismiss. Because, well, we’ve seen this sort of thing before, haven’t we? 

But sometimes there are exceptions, and I’m inclined to hope and think this is one of them.


Should I buy one?

So from where I’m standing, it looks like the Renovatio offers something truly unusual in the class: it’s a track-biased supercar whose consumables should wear out or overheat less quickly than an alternative that’s carrying a few hundred extra kilos. And I think I buy into that idea. 

No, it’s not going get the Italian establishment looking over their shoulders, but it isn’t meant to. It’s novel, it’s interesting. It seems nicely put together. The people who make it are sensible, modest and intelligent. Me? I’d tick the “Hewland gearbox” option and indulge myself.

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DRIVEN + VIDEO: So, Who Said Slovenia Couldn't Build A Supercar?

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