As you already know, Agent 001 is a big fan of our Canadian contingent on and we always try to post good Canadian content when we find it.

I even did my best this week to promote the world's only glacier beer 'Kokannee' from British Columbia, to all the members of the Infiniti team this week in Seattle!

OK, so back on point...

A couple friends of the Spies are visiting this weekend from Tronna...That's the Canadian pronunciation of Toronto for the uninitiated.

When I commented how cool it was that the Canadian exchange rate was virtually even with the US dollar these days...95%, my boy Steve trumpeted 'Why the 'F' aren't the price of cars and gas not correcting accordingly to the exchange rate?'

Cars are still at about a 30% premium over US prices (some makes are even higher) and gas is $4.50 per gallon if you do the math and compare the US gallon/liter conversion.

I say, what's up with that? Why hasn't it adjusted?

Maybe Michael Moore needs to go back up there and do his next movie there?

And the title would be?

Have at it faithful...can't wait to see your creativity.

P.S. A special shout out to my homies in Niagara Falls!

Canada may have a better healthcare system than us but BOY are they getting screwed on car and gas prices!

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