Mitsubishi Motors Corporation announces today that it will launch the Lancer Evolution X high-performance 4WD sedan, newest of the company's legendary vehicles, on October 1 at dealerships throughout Japan. Featuring a new platform, engine, and exterior and interior designs, the totally redesigned 2.0-liter model will carry a tax-inclusive price tag ranging from \2,997,750 to \3,750,600. Models fitted with the Twin Clutch SST transmission are due to be launched towards the end of November.

The development goal for the new Lancer Evolution X was to make the car as fast as possible, while also making it as safe to drive as possible. To that end Lancer Evolution X is loaded with the very latest in automotive engineering technology, including the S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control) vehicle dynamics control system and the newly developed, power-efficient Twin Clutch SST (Sport Shift Transmission). Lancer Evolution X is a new-generation high-performance 4WD sedan that allows a new category of driver access to Mitsubishi's dynamic driving experience by underpinning speed with control, security and safety.

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